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Библиотека ADIC Virtual System Library VLS DLT 300

Библиотека ADIC Virtual System Library VLS DLT 300
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Библиотека ADIC Virtual System Library VLS DLT 300


High Speed, High Capacity DLT Automatic Tape Management

The VLS DLT combines the technical advantages of Digital LinearTape (DLT) technology with ADIC's automated tape library expertise to provide unattended backup with unprecedented levels of performance, reliability, security, and convenience. It provides an alternative tape technology where high throughput and reliability are important. The unit is designed to be used as a compact desk-top storage unit, or can be fitted into any standard 19-inch rack system.

Performance to Solve the Problem of the Shrinking Backup Window

The VLS DLT is the product of choice for applications faced with increasing data volume and shrinking backup windows. DLT incorporates a high speed linear serpentine recording methodology for the highest data transfer rates and storage capacity in the industry. Sustained throughput is rated at up to 180MB/min, 3 to 4 times the rate of other tape technologies. With its seven-cartridge magazine providing up to 280GB of storage, the VLS DLT provides unattended data storage for even large networks.

The Highest Reliability and Longest Service Life

The VLS DLT is a superior choice for high speed backup, archiving, and HSM applications that will provide years of mission-critical data protection. Its low contact, low tension tape path allows its media to be rated for 500,000 head passes and a ten-year minimum life. The read/write heads are rated for 10,000 to 15,000 service hours and operate without increased wear even during short operating intervals. The VLS DLT library is based on ADIC's 4 th generation library technology and field proven single axis robotics. The mechanism has proven its reliability over more than half a million cartridge swaps and in millions of field hours. The VLS DLT also provides ADIC's unique visible and accessible drive loading system for high reliability, easy field service, and direct operator access for single tape loading.


Drive type: DLT 2000XT
Data Capacity: 21OGB* *with 2:1 average compression
Recording Density: 62,500 bits/in
Sustained Transfer Rate: 2.5MB/sec
Peak Transfer Rate: 5MB/sec (synchronous)
File Access Time (Avg.): 45 sec
Magazine: 7 Cartridges
Data Compression On-board: DCLZ with variable block size
Tape Shelf Life: 10 years min (at 20'C, 40% RH)
Recording Format: 128 track serpentine, variable block
Data Buffer: 2MB cache buffer adjusts to best rate


Dimensions 1 7.4"W x 20.45"D x 8'H (44.2cm x 51.9cm x 20.3cm)
Weight 35 lb. (15,9kg)

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