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FUJIFILM Картридж DLT TAPE IV Labelled (C5141FL) (P10DDDLA01A)
Цена: 8140 руб
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Technical Data Basic Specifications | Tape Drive | DLT™ 4000 | DLT™ 7000 | DLT™ 8000 | DLT1 | Capacity (Compressed) | 20 GB (40 GB) | 35 GB (70 GB) | 40 GB (80 GB) | 40 GB (80 GB) | Transfer Rate (Compressed) | 1.5 MB/s (3 MB/s) | 5 MB/s (10 MB/s) | 6 MB/s (12 MB/s ) | 3 MB/s (6 MB/s) | Tracks (Serpentine) | 128 tracks | 208 tracks | 168 tracks | Recording Density | 3241 bpmm | 3399 bpmm | 3874 bpmm | 4862 bpmm | Hard Error Rate | 1x1017 bits (1 time/read cycle) | Non-detect Error Rate | 1x1027 bits (1 time/read cycle) | Media Durability (Nomina) | 1,000,000 passes | Estimated Archival Life | 30 year | Physical Characteristics | Tape Width (Nominal) | 12.65 mm | Tape Thickness (Nominal) | 9 µm | Tape Length (Nominal) | 557 m | Dimensions (Nominal) | 105.8 x 105.4 x 25.4 mm | Storage Environments | Temperature | 16 to 32 °C | Humidity | 20 to 80 % (No dew condensation) | Line-up Model | Format Capacity (2:1 compression) | Dimensions | Weight(With case) | DLTtape™ IV | 40 GB (80 GB) DLT™ 8000 | 105.8 x 105.4 x 25.4 mm | 280 g (0.62 lbs.) |